
attractionThis month has been devoted to cleaning things out, de-cluttering your life and making space.  With all your new space, both physical and mental, new opportunities will start to show up.  You may have heard the phrase “The universe loves to fill a void!”  Here are some ideas to keep in mind as that happens.

Idea 1:  Requests.  With extra time on your hands, people will start asking you to do things – volunteer, walk their dog, complete their projects.  Be picky about what you agree to do.  Just because you have extra time you don’t have to follow someone else’s plans for you.  Evaluate if it is something that you 1)  want to do;  2)  will benefit from;  3)  have time to do;  4)  will feel satisfied after doing it.  If all four criteria are met – go ahead; if not, say no.

Idea 2:  Enjoy the space.  Relish the extra space in your drawers, shelves and closets – at work and at home.  Be aware that “stuff” will show up.  Before putting anything in a drawer or closet or on a shelf, ask yourself if it is something you want to keep.  For those things that are temporary, keep them in sight until they move out of your space.  Place these items on your desk or on the floor.  Items put away tend to disappear from your awareness.

Idea 3:  Opportunities.  Having completed everything on your list, you’ll notice new opportunities.  You’ll find many ways to fill up your mind and time.  Before committing to your first opportunity – which may be your tendency – wait a bit to see what else might show up.  Take your time and choose wisely.  Use the same four criteria in idea #1 to make your decision.

Idea 4:  Review.  Take one hour per month – schedule it on your calendar – to continue to clean things out.  Look through all your shelves, drawers and closets at work.  Has anything crept in and found a new home – taking up space that you want to leave open?  Are you spending time on projects or with people that aren’t benefiting you?  Review this month’s blogs if you need to refresh your tips on how to make space in your life.

Idea 5:  Deliberate.  During your review (idea #4) take time to consciously plan what you do want to do over the next month.  You don’t have to come up with elaborate plans for each day, etc.  Concentrate on a bigger picture, what areas do you want to focus on?  Perhaps pick a theme for the month.  Write down one or two action steps that support your focus.  As other things come up during the month – new ideas, new areas of focus, shiny pennies that you want to chase – write them down and put them in a future ideas file.  You can always add them to your plans for the next month.

When you rid yourself of those items, ideas and past weights that are holding you back, you’ll find whole new areas opening up to you.  Be ready for them.  Spring is a time for growth and renewal – you never know where your path may lead.

What have you found when you clean out the old and make room for the new?  What tips work for you to hold space in your life?  Share your comments below.

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