
Move it!

I subscribe to a blog called Zen Habits.  Recently there was a guest post from Matt Madeiro of Make Every Day Count.  Following are some great tips from Matt for those of us who sit at a desk for most of our day and after our day is over, we sit yet again watching TV.  Here’s how you can get your work done and benefit your health!

Tip 1: Move.  Any motion is better than no motion at all.   Your job might demand you spend a lot of time in a chair. You can’t always change that, but… Continue reading

I’m right!

Some of my clients fret a bit about making decisions.  They want to make the best decision possible – don’t we all?!  They also want to think about all the variables and not miss a thing.  I think that is true for most of us too.  What can happen, a decision is delayed or put off for too long.  Not making a decision is also a decision – the decision of inaction.

In business, not making a decision sends all kinds of signals.  Others may think you don’t know what you’re doing or you’re not a leader.  Putting off a… Continue reading


The ability to build and leverage a network of relationships is the best predictor of leadership success, according to a recent article in Fast Company.  Relationship building is one of those skills that isn’t taught in schools or part of training people receive when they become managers.

Many of you were tapped for leadership positions because of your strong individual skills and knowledge.  Making the transition from individual contributor to group leader begins with helping others achieve their goals.  There needs to be a shift in thinking.  Here are some tips to help you get started.

Tip 1:  Clarity. … Continue reading


I recently asked a group of corporate professionals what their biggest challenge is at their workplace.  There were many answers.  One of the answers jumped out at me.  This individual wanted to be taken seriously as a leader in their organization.

To be taken seriously as a leader in your organization, you must consistently show your leadership skills on a regular basis.  There are plenty of opportunities to show off these skills.  Following are some must have skills to be taken seriously as a leader.

Skill 1:  Integrity.  This is more than being honest.  This is living up to… Continue reading


I recently heard from a client that she was concerned about not getting her name known in her workplace and being recognized as a leader.  She says she struggles to find her voice.

Finding your voice can be difficult, especially if there is a voice in your head that keeps repeating phrases like, you should be seen and not heard, it’s not polite to brag, be a good girl and don’t make any noise.  Sometimes our well meaning parents intend to instill a little discipline when in fact the internal voice stays with us through a life time.

Here are… Continue reading