
There are things in life you can control and a whole lot more you can’t.  It’s always a mystery to me how people get so frustrated trying to control things that aren’t in their control and will never be.  Lots of hours and energy could be redirected onto areas that they do have control over.

Here are some tips to think about.

Tip 1:  Is it important to you?  Put the situation into perspective, not everything has equal importance.  Perhaps you want to be part of a project – is it because your colleague is on the project team or is it because it will enhance your own career?

Tip 2:  Can you do something about it?  If your answer is a quick “no”, take a minute to ask – if you could do something what would it be?  Perhaps you need to take a risk? Ask for help?  Be persistent?

Tip 3:  Look ahead.  I had a colleague who was a motivational speaker.  As the economy tightened up, her business dried up.  Rather than diversify how she earned a living, she spent twelve months blaming the economy rather than taking action.

Tip 4:  Make a list.  Each time something frustrates you, write it down.  Better yet, brainstorm a list of all the things you don’t like, bother you, etc – get it all down on paper.  Go back through the list and ask yourself – is there something I can do about this?  What choices have you made that put this frustration in your sights?  Will you make another choice?

Tip 5:  Let go.  For those areas of your life that you have no control over, consider letting them go.  Perhaps each day you have a long commute.  You face traffic each and every day.  Consider accepting that the traffic is not going away.  Make your commute pleasant by listening to a book – motivational, educational or entertaining.  You’ll be in a much better mood when you arrive at your destination.

Sub-tip:  Most libraries have books on tape/CD which you can upload to your MP3 player free of charge!

Tip 6:  Systems approach.  Is there something you can put in place to take out the frustration that you’re feeling?  Maybe you rush around each morning collecting all the things you need for your day.  Consider putting those items by the front door each evening so you’ll be set for your morning.

Control takes a lot of energy.  Holding on too tight to those things out of your control will zap your energy.  When it’s raining, take an umbrella, get out your rain jacket and enjoy your car getting a much needed bath!  It’s up to you how you choose to view the world around you.

What tips do you have that you can share?  What do you do when you’re frustrated with something?  Leave your comments below.

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2 Responses to Control

  • Holly, thank you for this post! I plan to expand on this topic of control in an upcoming book about happiness and performance for endurance runners and walkers. (I believe happiness affects performance.) Here is a preview of part what I have been planning to say:

    If you feel as if you must control others, then you will be unhappy.

    If you feel as if you must control the environment, then you will be unhappy.

    If you feel as if you must control yourself perfectly, instead of letting go and allowing, then you will be unhappy.

    Thank you for your six tips!

    • Holly says:

      Kirk –
      Your book is sure to be a success! Well said. Control is a funny issue for a lot of people. Letting go and allowing is a great way to be happy and much more at ease.
      Thank you for your comment Kirk!

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