I Choose

Do you ever get overwhelmed and feel like you don’t have control?  It can happen so quickly and easily.  Phones are ringing, texts are coming in, your calendar is full, crises seem to come from everywhere, and people come into your office and say – do you have a minute?

Try this experiment for one day.  Before you do anything, pause and say I choose to….  This may sound too simple or silly – I challenge you to do it!  You are training yourself to be in control.  Here’s what a typical day might look like for you.

I choose to get up at 6:00 AM.  I will have time to get dressed, have a bit of breakfast and head out the door to work.

I choose to drive to work.  Notice the nice weather, how many others have made the same choice you have this morning and traffic doesn’t seem to decrease.

I choose to say “good morning” to those I meet while heading to my office.

I choose to start my computer, check my daily schedule and process (delete) all the junk mail that has accumulated since I last checked my email.

I choose to work on the project that is due on Friday.  I will get out the file, make phone calls, research various items and complete all I can for the next hour.

I choose to help out my co-workers.  I choose to answer my staff’s questions.

I choose to participate in the scheduled meeting.  I will review the agenda and offer my opinion on at least two of the items.

I choose to stop at the grocery store.  I will pick up some of my favorite foods for my dinner tonight.

I choose to call my friend to check in.

I choose to watch my favorite television show.

I choose to do whatever I want, need to, or demands my immediate attention at the moment.

Training yourself to live as a choice may not eliminate all you need or want to get done.  It will have a profound impact on the feeling of overwhelm and chaos going on in your mind.

What do you do to minimize your overwhelm?  What works for you?  Leave your comments below so we can benefit from your wisdom.

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4 Responses to I Choose

  • Sue says:

    Thank you Holly, so true. When I find my self getting overwhelmed or frustrated about something in my “busy” life I try to stop and remind myself these are things I chose to do. I can make some different choices but I always try to remember that most of what happens is a result of my actions and my choices and I am responsible and it is possible to make other choices too!

  • Thank you, Holly. Many of your “I choose” statements reminded me of the spirit of my gratitude statements in Gratitude Power for Runners and Walkers (http://bit.ly/gratpowr). They also reminded me about the enormous power that I have over my life!

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