Interested or Committed?

In the past I’ve wondered why I move forward with some things and why other tasks and projects linger.  Then the light-bulb went on when I read the following definition:

“If you’re interested in something, you’ll do it if it is convenient.  If you’re committed to something, you’ll do it no matter what.”

This has helped me with my career, my business and my personal life.  That simple definition unlocked a mystery and has changed my behavior in the following ways.

Staying in shape – I have my workout clothes at the ready every morning to jog or go to the gym when I get up.  I don’t give myself the choice.  This technique has gotten me through training for 20 marathons – and finishing them.  Wouldn’t have happened with just an interest. 

Personal and professional development – I get lots of information on seminars and training programs.  Many of them are interesting.  When I find something that will make a difference in my life I commit, right away, sign up and put it on my calendar.  Pondering something is a clue to me that it’s not important to me.

Calendar – Whatever goes on my calendar is a commitment.  Nothing of “interest” clutters up my scheduled time.

Sub-tip:  If possible, don’t pack your calendar with back to back appointments and work that you want to get done.  You’ll be more likely to meet all your commitments.

People – I make sure what I promise to do, I do.  I set up systems so I won’t forget what I say I’ll do.  If I’m not sure I can do something, I don’t commit.  Being true to my word is my reputation and who I am.

Procrastination – when I find myself procrastinating or hesitating, I ask myself – am I interested or committed?  I don’t beat myself up for not getting something done.  If the task falls in the interest category,  I’ll do it when it’s convenient.  If the task falls in the commitment category, I’ll schedule it when I have the time and energy to tackle the project.

My question for you is – are you interested or committed in your career?  If you’re committed, are you in your dream job?  What do you need to do to get there?  Leave a comment below!

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