New Attitude?

Following is a popular blog post that appeared last July.  It should help you cultivate your new attitude!

I’ve never met someone who admits they have a bad or negative attitude.  I have met many managers and supervisors who wish their employees had a more positive attitude.  Attitude is a powerful tool as a manager or employee.  It is something that is completely under your own control and has a profound effect on others.

It is easier to have a positive attitude if you realize that everything is good, even the bad stuff.  If bad stuff never happens how do you appreciate the good stuff?  Here are some tips to help you maintain a great attitude.

Tip 1:  Who has control?  Think about what might be bringing you down – is it the weather, bad traffic, bad hair day?  Let go of those things you have no control over.  Reframe your self talk – if it is raining out, at least you don’t have to water your plants.  When there is bad traffic, you’ve got time in your car to think and plan for the future or enjoy music or a radio program.  Bad hair day is a reminder to make a salon appointment and talk to your favorite hair professional.

Tip 2:  Get a clue.  It’s not always about you.  Things happen and we react.  Most situations occur for reasons that have nothing to do with us.  Personalizing all events that happen can put you in a victim mentality – which always has a negative attitude attached.  Look at circumstances objectively and in a bigger light.

Tip 3:  Look forward.  Being successful is not about having just enough, it’s about abundance.  You need an abundance of good things to look forward to.  As a bare minimum at least look forward to one thing every day.  Don’t overlook the simple things.  Calendar something to look forward to everyday.  Before you go to sleep and when you get up remind yourself of what you are going to look forward to.

Tip 4:  Think of others.  Do you like working with someone with a bad attitude, that complains, that is a perpetual victim, that is judgmental about every situation?  At the very least it’s boring, at most it is very unpleasant.  Raise your standards and don’t allow yourself to carry a bad attitude out your front door.

Maintaining a positive attitude has many advantages.  You will affect others with your attitude, it’s infectious.  People will gravitate towards you.  Instead of complaining, you will make the most of your situation.  You won’t get stuck in bad situations for long – you will simply take action.  You won’t be so judgmental about events.  Life is life.

What do you do to maintain a positive attitude?  How do you feel when you encounter a negative attitude?  Leave your tips and comments below.

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