New People

new peopleThere are people you haven’t met or don’t know very well almost everywhere you go.  Reaching out and meeting new people can be a rich experience.  There are new ideas and experiences that you may not have thought possible.  What seems exotic or special to you may be common place to someone else.  Here are some tips on meeting new people:

Tip 1:  Set a goal.  At every networking event or business meeting I would set a goal of meeting at least five new people I didn’t know or didn’t know well.  I would commit to finding out something about them and their work.  I gathered their business cards so I would have their contact information.  You can set a simple goal of getting to know one person a week at your place of business.  Setting a goal reminds you to interact with those you don’t know well.

Tip 2:  Go it alone.  It’s hard to meet new people if you travel in packs.  If you happen to attend a meeting with colleagues or friends, explain to them you are interested in meeting new people and you’ll see them later or back at the office.  Look for those standing at the edges of the room, they are alone and will welcome your friendly handshake and conversation.

Tip 3:  Ask questions.  Everyone likes to talk about themselves.  Meeting new people is about them, not you.  Ask lots of questions and listen to what they say.  Find out as much as you can about the other person.  The less you talk, the better the other person will think the conversation went.  You’ll build a good foundation for a strong relationship.

Tip 4:  Pick the unusual.  People that look like you, act like you and do what you do are often – just like you.  The charm in meeting new people is to find new ideas, expand your thinking and learn something.  Seek others that may be louder or quieter than you, dress differently, are in a different line of work, come from a different background.  You can learn so much from others’ experiences, don’t default to the familiar.

Tip 5:  Follow up.  When you do meet new people that you want to continue to build a relationship with, follow up your initial conversation with a hand written note.  Hand written notes are so unusual that they stand out.  Only takes a few minutes to write one.  Be sure to include a reference to your conversation.

Tip 6:  Follow up again.  For those that you want to continue to build a relationship with, you have to make an effort.  Everyone has lots to do with a full life.  It’s easy to intend to get back to someone.  Make a point to reach out to one person a week – have a phone conversation, Skype call, meet for coffee or lunch.  Relationships build best when your only agenda is to get to know the other person better.

What has worked for you to build your network?  How do you maintain your relationships?  Leave your comments below.

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