Someday Syndrome

somedayAre you in the habit of putting things off?

“Someday when I grow up, finish school and get a job, I’ll start living my life the way I want…. Someday after the mortgage is paid off, the finances are on track and the kids are grown up, I’ll drive that new car and take exciting trips abroad…. Someday, now that I’m about to retire, I’ll buy that beautiful motor home and travel across this great country, and see all there is to see…. Someday.”  – Ed Foreman.

I found the following and thought some might resonate:

Six Good Reasons why people procrastinate

1.  You’re bored.  Sometimes our work becomes routine, and we end up just going through the motions.  Action:  Recognize that you’re bored. Why are you bored?  What would give me more energy?  Expand your vision, go after bigger goals, face the challenge.

2.  You are overwhelmed with work.  People let things pile up.  They begin to control you.  You feel overwhelmed at the thought of even starting.

3.  Your confidence has slipped.  This is where fear and doubt join forces to hold you back by painting vivid negative pictures in your mind.  Most of the things you fear will never happen.  Procrastination equals your level of doubt.  It’s more mentally tiring to think about what has to be done, and all the things that might go wrong, than it is to physically do the job.

4.  You have a low self-worth.  One way to kill an opportunity is to avoid taking it.  Individuals with low self-esteem can come up with all sorts of excuses to avoid taking the first step to a better future.

5.  You are doing work you don’t really enjoy.  Successful people do the things that unsuccessful people don’t like to do.  Life is too short to be stuck in work you don’t enjoy.  Most of the time the type of work you do should stimulate you and give you energy.  Change is out of their comfort zone and is intimidating.  Here’s the reality:  the biggest rewards in life are found outside your comfort zone.  Live with it.  Fear and risk are prerequisites if you want to enjoy a life of success and adventure.

6.  You are easily distracted, or just downright lazy!  Success takes effort and consistent, focused activity.

What have I left out?  What reasons do you use when you procrastinate?  Leave your comments below.

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