

fairnessThe last in the series of drivers is fairness.  If fairness is your biggest driver, you’re happy if beaten by someone who is better than you but hate those that cheat the system.  People who butt in line get under your skin.

A threat response can be triggered very quickly when someone perceives an unfair situation.  You’ll hear your employees say things like “He has a different set of rules for Jim than he has for the rest of us”; “They talk about values but it’s business as usual at the top”;  “She is the favorite… Continue reading

Your #1 Asset

#1assetI happened upon some interesting studies regarding how the brain reacts to different situations.  In particular, about our capacity to make decisions, solve problems and collaborate with others.  The information has a profound impact on the performance of a team.  When individuals have a threat response, capacity to perform and reason diminishes and it is increased under a reward response.

Our brain is constantly evaluating whether a situation is a threat or a reward.  In social settings (working with others) there are five areas of human experience:  status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness and fairness.  These… Continue reading