

At the beginning of the year I make all sorts of plans and set all sorts of goals.  When the plans are made I’m enthusiastic about the months ahead.  However, I don’t always take action and it made me wonder why.

People at the top of every profession share one quality – they get things done.  This quality can catapult success and advancement faster than anything else.  This is such a simple idea, however not many people have taken it to heart.  There is an endless number of reasons – something else came up, I’m too busy, I’m putting out… Continue reading

What’s holding you back?

HoldingbackThere’s something going on here that stops us from doing what we know.  It’s hidden, it’s a mystery.  We all have it, but rarely know what to do about it, and worse, rarely acknowledge it.

It’s fear.

Why don’t we eat healthier?  Why don’t we have those difficult conversations with our employees?  Why do you put up with bad behavior in the workplace?  We’re afraid of change and doing things that are uncomfortable.  We do everything we can to avoid this and make every excuse we can.

I found a great process to tackle… Continue reading


At the beginning of the year I make all sorts of plans and set all sorts of goals.  When the plans are made I’m enthusiastic about the months ahead.  However, I don’t always take action and it made me wonder why.

People at the top of every profession share one quality – they get things done.  This quality can catapult success and advancement faster than anything else.  This is such a simple idea, however not many people have taken it to heart.  There is an endless number of reasons – something else came up, I’m… Continue reading

Help me out!

Today you’re reading my seventy-fifth blog post, but who is counting?  Yahoo!  Thank you so much for reading.  I’m having a blast writing these tips and love the comments that you leave.

The subjects that I’ve covered so far have come from clients and participants in my workshops.  Some subjects I have just “guessed” that you might like to have tips on.

This blog isn’t about me, it’s about you and what you need to achieve what you want.

So here are some questions for you (to help me share tips on what is important to… Continue reading

It’s all about you!

Today you’re reading my twenty-first blog post.  Yahoo!  Thank you so much for reading.  I’m having a blast writing these tips and love the comments that you leave.

The subjects that I’ve covered so far have come from clients and participants in my workshops.  Some subjects I have just “guessed” that you might like to have tips on.

This blog isn’t about me, it’s about you and what you need to achieve what you want.

So here are some questions for you (to help me share tips on what is important to you).  Help me out!!  Answer any… Continue reading