
Who’s in charge?

I was just working with a client who was having trouble moving projects along, meeting deadlines, last minute changes, you know the drill.  Working with their team it became clear that there was some finger pointing going on.

They missed the first step in project management, no one had been assigned as the project leader.  There were leaders in many aspects of the project, but no one assigned to own the whole process.

Here are a tip and responsibilities for project leaders to ensure your success.

Tip:  Formal authority.  When you’re assigned to head up a project everyone… Continue reading

New Environment?

NewEnvironmentCreating and working in a new environment can energize your spirit and jump start motivation and creativity.  A new environment can refresh or give you a whole new perspective and approach to what you’re trying to accomplish.  It may be just what you need to develop some new energy.  You may be thinking, how can you create a new environment when you have the same job, office, workspace, home, furniture, etc?  Here are some no cost, or low cost, tips to creating your new environment.  Some you may be able to implement, others you may… Continue reading

ME time!

A common concern or complaint that I hear from my clients is – “I don’t have time for ME!”  This is pretty common and it can cause some bad side effects such as resentment, guilt, grumpiness, negativity and lack of energy.  I’ve even seen that this is a badge of negative honor in some and translates to a martyr cry about how they put everyone else’s needs before their own.  BORING!

Think about the last time you were on an airplane.  The safety demonstration always says – put your own oxygen mask on first before you… Continue reading

Self Motivation

Every so often motivation wanes.  It happens for many reasons.  I might be bored with what I’m doing, I’ve mastered something and the excitement has worn off, perhaps I don’t have anything urgent going on and can’t seem to get started.  The following tips help me start moving forward again.

Tip 1:  List.  I put together a “to-do” list in order of priority.  There always seems to be things that need to get done.  I don’t think about what I have to do, I just start with the first item on the… Continue reading

Who’s in charge?

I was just working with a client who was having trouble moving projects along, meeting deadlines, last minute changes, you know the drill.  Working with their team it became clear that there was some finger pointing going on.

They missed the first step in project management, no one had been assigned as the project leader.  There were leaders in many aspects of the project, but no one assigned to own the whole process.

Here are a tip and responsibilities for project leaders to ensure your success.

Tip:  Formal authority.  When you’re assigned to head… Continue reading