
What’s new?

whatsnewEvery year when Labor Day rolls around I return to the feelings of excitement I had growing up.  School was starting and I’d see friends I hadn’t seen over the summer.  I’d have some new clothes to wear and new school supplies.  I would have a new class schedule, new subjects and new teachers.  The newness of it all was something I embraced every year.

Keeping an element of the new is important to me.  My mind continues to be challenged, I may have new ideas and thoughts because of it.  Certainly my experience expands.  I resist falling into the… Continue reading


NewRecently I was invited to a dear friends’ house for dinner.  Also joining us was a young couple and their three year old daughter (Trudy), who had recently moved into the neighborhood.  The three year old reminded me of some very important lessons I can apply to my business today.  Here are the lessons I took away from the experience.

Lesson 1:  “New” starts with shy.  Similar to the three year old, when I meet new people or find myself in a new situation I hold back a bit until I take stock of the… Continue reading

Starting New

Starting NewSpring is a great time to start something new.  When you’ve completed your Spring cleaning, de-cluttering your life of stuff and of those projects/tasks that you don’t want to do any more, you’ll have the time to start something new.  New habits, projects, or learning something new can be invigorating and motivating.  Many times it sparks an energy and passion to spice up your life.  Here are some ideas about bringing something new into your life.

Idea 1:  Start small.  Whatever you’re incorporating into your life, start small.  If you’d like to learn… Continue reading