
Interested or Committed?

Interested or Committed?In the past I’ve wondered why I move forward with some things and why other tasks and projects linger.  Then the light-bulb went on when I read the following definition:

“If you’re interested in something, you’ll do it if it is convenient.  If you’re committed to something, you’ll do it no matter… Continue reading

The Problem Solver

ProblemsolvingSometimes when problems occur, our approach to solving them can be a bit disjointed or we don’t even know where to begin.  Procrastination can occur and can make the problem bigger and more complex than it needs to be.

Following is a series of ten steps that will help you solve any major problem or challenge you may experience in the years ahead.

When you’re experiencing a significant challenge, use the Problem Solver below to help you solve it.  This series of ten questions will guide you step by step to the outcome you want.  For best results, it’s important… Continue reading

Take action: Conduct Experiments

ExperimentThis blog is based on a blog written by Leo Babauta of Zen Habits.  It fits well with our last blog on procrastination.  If making a decision is causing procrastination read the following thoughts.

A surprising amount of our day is filled with decisions: what to do with an email, what to do with clutter, opening paper mail, grocery shopping, whether to go out with friends or stay home, whether to add someone as a friend, whether to take a job, to move, to take a class, to go on a vacation, and so on.

And a good amount of… Continue reading

Someday Syndrome

somedayAre you in the habit of putting things off?

“Someday when I grow up, finish school and get a job, I’ll start living my life the way I want…. Someday after the mortgage is paid off, the finances are on track and the kids are grown up, I’ll drive that new car and take exciting trips abroad…. Someday, now that I’m about to retire, I’ll buy that beautiful motor home and travel across this great country, and see all there is to see…. Someday.”  – Ed Foreman.

I found the following and thought some might resonate:

Six Good Reasons why… Continue reading

Interested or Committed?

In the past I’ve wondered why I move forward with some things and why other tasks and projects linger.  Then the light-bulb went on when I read the following definition:

“If you’re interested in something, you’ll do it if it is convenient.  If you’re committed to something, you’ll do it no matter what.”

This has… Continue reading