
Gold Star

Are you competitive?  Do you always have to be first?  When you’re not first, do you think less of yourself?  Being competitive is great.  It can be a wonderful motivator to strive to do more and to do better.

It’s also fun to let others win and come in first.  Some supervisors and managers feel compelled to be better and smarter than their staff members.  They think the way to earn their subordinates’ respect is to know more or do better.  In reality, respect is earned through actions, not just what you know.

What actions are you taking?  Following are… Continue reading

Star Performance!

starperformanceGreat leaders have developed the habits of star performance.  These work habits support high productivity and quality of work.  High productivity is not a mystery; it simply requires a commitment and the tools, training and resources to make it happen, naturally.  Check out these habits that you may have already embraced.

Habit 1:  100% current, no “inventory” of unfinished tasks.  It’s a matter of taking on those tasks and projects that you know you can actually finish.  Realistically assess what is reasonable to accomplish.  When you take on too much, you’re perceived as… Continue reading

Gold Star

Are you competitive?  Do you always have to be first?  When you’re not first, do you think less of yourself?  Being competitive is great.  It can be a wonderful motivator to strive to do more and to do better.

It’s also fun to let others win and come in first.  Some supervisors and managers feel compelled to be better and smarter than their staff members.  They think the way to earn their subordinates’ respect is to know more or do better.  In reality, respect is earned through actions, not just what you know.… Continue reading