
Ping Pong

Do you ever feel like a ping pong ball being bounced around every day?  Think about your actions.  Who are you rewarding?  Disrupters or schedulers?  How are you training people to interact with you?  Do you give your attention to squeaky wheels?  Whose agenda is it anyway – yours or are you allowing it to be someone else calling the shots?

Factoid:  If you’re looking at emails as they come in you are allowing someone else to manage your time.

Factoid:  If you’re looking at texts as they come in you are allowing someone else to manage your… Continue reading


capacityTaking in, taking on, adding to, bringing in new requires capacity.  Capacity is defined as the maximum amount or number that can be contained or accommodated.  It’s easy to forget that capacity plays into anything new we’re adding to our lives.  When you’re already operating at capacity and you add something new, something has to give, there is no more room.  Frustration and anxiety often follow, especially when we act as if there is limitless capacity.  See the following thoughts related to capacity.

Thought 1:  Physical objects.  Unless you’re starting from scratch, any… Continue reading


When one of your employees is asked about you as a manager, do they say one word – AWESOME!  Here are some tips that might make that happen.

1.  Feedback.  Talk to your employees regularly.  You don’t need formal meetings, you can call someone in your office and give them a quick suggestion.  Remember that feedback should be specific with emphasis on what you want the employee to do.  Keep it about the behavior, not the person.  Avoid giving feedback through email or text.

2.  Always have time for your team. … Continue reading


Profit is simply the surplus of something after taking out the cost.  Classically profit is defined through numbers or more specifically money.  You can also apply the concept to many areas of your life.  It can help with the choices you make.  Here are some areas where you might want to consider the profit involved.

Relationships:  Profitable relationships have some benefit to them.  The cost to you is the time, energy and emotion you put into the relationship.  The profit are the positives that come from that relationship which range from great memories… Continue reading

ME time!

A common concern or complaint that I hear from my clients is – “I don’t have time for ME!”  This is pretty common and it can cause some bad side effects such as resentment, guilt, grumpiness, negativity and lack of energy.  I’ve even seen that this is a badge of negative honor in some and translates to a martyr cry about how they put everyone else’s needs before their own.  BORING!

Think about the last time you were on an airplane.  The safety demonstration always says – put your own oxygen mask on first before you… Continue reading