

What’s in a word?  Everything!  What are you saying to yourself and others?  The words that you use can give you power or take it away.  Here are some of my favorites for you to consider. 

Hope – Hope is one of the most un-empowering words around.  It allows you to believe you’re taking action, when, in reality, you’re taking no action at all.  A close cousin to this word is try.  Do you use hope and try to keep you from taking action? 

How many times have you heard from people – I’ll try to stop by,… Continue reading

Someday Syndrome

somedayAre you in the habit of putting things off?

“Someday when I grow up, finish school and get a job, I’ll start living my life the way I want…. Someday after the mortgage is paid off, the finances are on track and the kids are grown up, I’ll drive that new car and take exciting trips abroad…. Someday, now that I’m about to retire, I’ll buy that beautiful motor home and travel across this great country, and see all there is to see…. Someday.”  – Ed Foreman.

I found the following and thought some might resonate:

Six Good Reasons why… Continue reading

Quiet Please!

I recently read an article that appeared in Fast Company linking quietness and productivity.  I do believe there is a lot of validity to this and I would take it a step further.  Defining a person in a state of “being quiet” includes people who may not speak up much and sing their own praises.  I would add that it also includes people who don’t allow a lot of random thoughts and self talk to clutter up their minds.  In other words, your mind is open and your mouth is closed.  Following are some thoughts… Continue reading

Tip into confidence some more!

Did you try any of the tips from the last blog?  What worked for you?  I’ve got some more tips for you to check out.  I’ll pick it up where I left off.

Tip 6:  What’s the worst that can happen?  Think about it – what’s the very worst that can happen?  Take a piece of paper and make three columns.  In the middle column list all the stuff that you’ve thought about – every single one.  When you’re done with that go to the top of the list and in the… Continue reading

Tip into confidence

Confidence comes from inside.  It hangs out between your ears.  That’s the great news – you can learn to have it, increase it and friend your confidence whenever you need to.  Here are some tips for you.

Tip 1:  You’re not alone.  If you’re feeling scared or uncomfortable in a situation, so are others.  You don’t have an “exclusive” on feeling the way you do.  Think about first learning to drive – how uncomfortable that was, it was for everyone.  Awareness doesn’t take away your feelings, it just puts you on notice… Continue reading