
Ping Pong

Do you ever feel like a ping pong ball being bounced around every day?  Think about your actions.  Who are you rewarding?  Disrupters or schedulers?  How are you training people to interact with you?  Do you give your attention to squeaky wheels?  Whose agenda is it anyway – yours or are you allowing it to be someone else calling the shots?

Factoid:  If you’re looking at emails as they come in you are allowing someone else to manage your time.

Factoid:  If you’re looking at texts as they come in you are… Continue reading

One word – Organize!

I’ve heard from a few clients recently “THIS IS THE YEAR I’M GOING TO GET ORGANIZED”.  Organized is an appealing word to many and can be hard to implement.  “Being”organized starts as any “being-ness” – it is based on habit.  Following are some tips to “being” organized.

Disclaimer – only introduce one tip at a time.  When you’ve mastered that tip, pick another tip.  You don’t have to go in order.  Pick the easiest tip to implement or the one that will make the most impact on your life.

Tip 1:  One calendar.… Continue reading