

I’m always looking for ways to simplify my life.  Simplifying to me means less stress and a life that flows from one thing to the next.  It also means getting my work done without pressure.  I’ve made great progress from where I started.  It’s a constant work in progress.   Here’s some tips that have worked for me.

Tip 1:  Unclutter your life.  I started at work and at home.  I found it was like peeling an onion – some tears, some fumes, layer after layer.  It seemed overwhelming so I… Continue reading

Full Up!

What’s your life filled with?  My life is filled up with so many things, people and places.  What I’ve realized is something you already know – busy can be a way of life.  When was the last time you didn’t have anything to do?  Our lives fill up with stuff, to dos, projects, priorities, dry cleaning, errands, the list goes on and on.

Going though life unconsciously and allowing ourselves to be pulled here and there can lead to emptiness and no sense of accomplishment.  It’s similar to sitting down with a bag of potato… Continue reading

Anchors Away (Part 1 of 2)

I’m so inspired by two of my clients.  They each let go of an anchor that was keeping them tied down.  The result has surprised them both.  Neither one had realized that their anchor was holding them back, draining their energy and keeping them from new opportunities.  Here’s what happened:

Anchor 1.  Mary (an assumed name) had been submitting bi-weekly columns to a publication for a number of years.  She enjoyed the notoriety that came with a prestigious publication.  It was the first publication that would accept her work.  She had lots… Continue reading

I want to be the boss! – Part 3

This is third in a series of blogs for those who want to start their own business.

Now that you know what your living expenses are and your discretionary expenses are, it’s time to put this information to use.

Step 4:  Creating a plan

You’ve got the knowledge, move forward.  To build on the previous step, we’re still working on minimizing the fear.  To start your business with strength I suggest you build up a cushion – save at least six months to twelve months worth of living expenses before quitting your day job.  This will… Continue reading