

If you are a manager or a supervisor this blog is for you.  If you are managed or supervised by someone other than yourself, you may want to pass this along.  The number one reason people look for other work is due to poor management.  It costs an organization from 125% to 200% of the salary to replace an individual.  Following are some tweaks you might want to consider embracing.

Tweak 1:  Take time.  You’ve got lots of priorities every day.  There never seems to be enough time to get everything done. … Continue reading

Shiny Pennies

Some days I can spend my whole day picking up shiny pennies.  Do you ever have days like that?  New ideas spring up and they look interesting so you check them out.  It’s a great distraction and a lot of fun.  Your day is done, before it has begun and you… Continue reading


I work with a lot of people who are ready to move ahead with their careers.  They want the promotion and the next position that’s come open.  They come to me wondering why they’ve gotten passed by, disappointed, frustrated or downright angry they aren’t sitting in a new seat.

Here’s what I’ve learned from my clients.  You may not need any of these tips at all.

Tip 1:  Tell your supervisor.  Think about what position you’d like to have.  Write down your career goals.  Sit with your supervisor and be specific about what… Continue reading