Self Development


Motivation – so much has been written about this subject.  What more can you learn?  

The reality is you can’t motivate someone else, you can only motivate yourself.  The most you can do as a leader is create an environment which holds the possibility for motivating others.  

There are six elements that have to be present in your environment to maximize the motivation of your staff.  Do these exist in your organization?

1. “Brightness of the future.”  Every employee needs to understand where the credit union is headed, that it will be a better place.… Continue reading

You don’t have to say a word!

When you want to get a message across sometimes you don’t have to say a word.  Body language makes up 55% of communication, 38% is your tone of voice and only 7% is words.

Think about the last time you prepared for a difficult conversation.  How much time did you spend on crafting just the right words to say and how much time did you spend thinking about how you wanted to deliver the conversation?  If you’re like me, I spent more time on the words – which I didn’t use anyway.

Here are some simple tips to come… Continue reading


What’s in a word?  Everything!  What are you saying to yourself and others?  The words that you use can give you power or take it away.  Here are some of my favorites for you to consider. 

Hope – Hope is one of the most un-empowering words around.  It allows you to believe you’re taking action, when, in reality, you’re taking no action at all.  A close cousin to this word is try.  Do you use hope and try to keep you from taking action? 

How many times have you… Continue reading

Lessons from a champion!

I attended the Open Championship in July (the British golf tournament).  The winner was a forty-two year old man from Northern Ireland, Darren Clarke.  If you saw him on the street, or in a pub, you may not have picked him to be an elite athlete.  He had planned to start a weight watchers program right after the tournament – perhaps he has.

I heard an interview from his coach – Dr. Bob.  Dr. Bob explained that Darren has been a tremendous talent since he was 12 year old.  With this talent and experience for the last 30 years, he… Continue reading