Busy, Busy, Busy

When you call someone do you ask if they are busy?  When someone calls and asks that question, how do you answer?

Being busy, for most, is a way of life.  In fact, many people can’t imagine not being busy.  I’ve even heard some people argue with each other about who is busier – it’s like a badge of honor.  You win the gold prize if you are busier than every one around. 

I once asked a co-worker what would happen if her to-do list was all done.  She said that she wouldn’t know who she was if that happened.  She was using that list and all she “had” to do to define who she was.

When I fall into the busy trap I miss so many opportunities.  My head is down working on clearing things out and getting things done.  I don’t notice people around me.  I don’t take the time to chat.  I don’t laugh.  I feel stressed, focused and not my friendliest self.

Take a minute right now and step off the busy treadmill with me.  

Tip 1:  Think about what is keeping you busy, what is on your to-do list, what “has to be done”.  For each item that is pressing to get done within the next two hours, ask yourself – What would happen if I didn’t get it done?  If the consequence is not too great, consider putting it aside for another time.

Tip 2:  Don’t answer the phone unless you have time to talk.  If you’ve ever called someone who has no time to talk, you know what I mean.  You might feel bad you bothered them or you may wonder why they answered the phone in the first place.  Either way, it’s no way to build a relationship.

Tip 3:  When you do answer the phone and someone asks if they are disturbing you or if it’s a good time to talk, say “Yes, I was just sitting here waiting for your call”.  If they ask “Are you busy?” say “No, not at all”.  See what reaction you get.  Think about how it feels to give someone your time and full attention (check out the post PAY ATTENTION).

Tip 4:  Replace “busy” with “I have a lot to do”.  Having a lot to do shows you are in control of what you are doing.  That you are making choices about how you spend your time.  Being busy implies that your to-do list is controlling you.  Which sounds more powerful?

Tip 5:  Don’t be a bore.  Explaining to someone, in great detail, all the stuff you have to get done is only interesting to you.  Spare your co-workers from hearing the list.  It’s not impressive what you have to do, it is impressive what you get done.

What do you think about the tips?  Do you have more that work for you?  Do you control your schedule or does your schedule control you?  Share below so everyone can benefit from your experience.

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5 Responses to Busy, Busy, Busy

  • Gale Curcio says:

    This totally nails it, Holly!!

  • sue says:

    Yes Everyone is SO busy and they constantly say they don’t have time…the way  I look at it is we all have the same 24 hours in our day it is up to us how we choose to spend /manage that time. I get so frustrated hearing " I don’t t have time" make it..and stop complaining!  I've just MADE time to foster 3 kittens its something I really wanted to do… I've cut back on other things and I am happy with my choice on how I spend my days right now!
    Love this tips Holly thanks! Glad i ran into you at Chamber event and signed up!

    • Holly says:

      So happy to hear you’re spending your time the way you’d like to. Its about choices! Be sure to pass the tips along to those who can use them!

  • Janet Earls says:

    Busy is an addiction, too. Its a learned behavior. Love your tips! Thanks Holly.

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