
Look here for tips from my blog for organizations who want to strengthen their teams.

Taking a break!

takingabreakI'm taking a break over this holiday season!  I'll be back in early January.  I'm working on something special that I'm excited to share.

Have a wonderful holiday season.  Enjoy your friends and family!!  Be safe and happy.

Leave your comments below if you’d like!

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Blah Blah Blah

Do you have any “talkers” in your life?  You know what I mean, people who just keep talking and won’t let you get a word in?  We’ve all got them, at work, at home, neighbors, friends, even people we run into at the grocery store!  What do you do when you’ve got to actually communicate something?  Check out these tips to see what might work:

Tip 1:  Remember, when dealing with a talker it’s about them, not about you.  They want to be heard and won’t be interested in what you have to… Continue reading

I can do everything!

You're on Target!Yes you can – which can confuse everyone. 

Yes you can – which can leave you exhausted. 

Yes you can – and not very well.

You own your own business and you’re just starting out.  It’s a scary time and you want as much business as you can possibly have.  You… Continue reading


What’s in a word?  Everything!  What are you saying to yourself and others?  The words that you use can give you power or take it away.  Here are some of my favorites for you to consider. 

Hope – Hope is one of the most un-empowering words around.  It allows you to believe you’re taking action, when, in reality, you’re taking no action at all.  A close cousin to this word is try.  Do you use hope and try to keep you from taking action? 

How many times have you heard from people – I’ll try to stop by,… Continue reading

Rip the band-aid off fast!

Rip the BandAid off fast!I heard a tip from someone the other day.  Hire slow (see Help wanted post) and fire fast!  My experience has been that many managers hire fast and are pretty slow to fire.  

So now let’s talk about the “fire fast” part.  First the disclaimer – I encourage you to follow your company’s procedures when you need to let someone go.  Follow the guidelines, procedures and the law as it applies to your situation.

What I’m talking about is very human.  People like to avoid conflict whenever they can.    I’ve heard leaders say they “don’t… Continue reading