
Does the very word scare you or energize you?  Do you run a small business and the competition is a bigger business?  Are you in an organization and competing for the next promotion?  Is competition a threat or a motivator?  Here are some thoughts about competition.

Thought one:  Limit your focus.  I’ve seen businesses and people fail because they are too focused and too concerned about their competition.  It’s great to know what others are doing in the market place or at work.  Use this information as a way to differentiate yourself – what are you better at, where can you shine, what extra can you offer that isn’t being offered?

Thought two:  Look inward.  After you limit your focus and figure out what is unique about your strengths, use your energy to strengthen your strengths.  Competition will always be there.  Look for ways to improve what you have to offer and make sure others can see you shine.

Thought three:  It’s not fair.  Of course it isn’t – that’s the way it is.  Spending time wallowing in these thoughts can allow opportunities to pass you by.  Get over it and figure out what you’re going to do about it.

Thought four:  There’s enough opportunity for everyone.  This may or may not be true.  That said, operating from a perspective of abundance rather than scarcity keeps you in a mindset of strength rather than fear.  Strength sends the signal of confidence to those you encounter.  I’d opt to work with or promote someone who is strong and confident.

Thought five:  Who cares.  When faced with competition you have to be better, brighter or different.  When you’re competing for a promotion or a new job make sure you are fabulous!  When you find others wanting to open the same business you have, be flattered and be better.  Sometimes it’s just a matter of persistence – others may not be around very long due to their lack of knowledge, experience or willingness to “do what it takes” to be successful.

Thought six:  A threat.  Perhaps you’ve decided to go for that promotion or start that new business.  You talk to people who have the position you want or a similar business that you’re interested in starting.  When you encounter feelings from others that you are now a threat, applaud!  Those feelings are about them, not you.  All of a sudden they will have to be brilliant to compete with your enthusiasm.  You are rocking their safe boat and that’s OK.  Those that embrace your new found direction are secure in what they are doing – learn from them.

Thought seven:  Loss.  Some that I work with grumble about the person that got a promotion they wanted or grumble about the business that is growing when theirs is not.  In this case it is about you and not about them.  Take a few minutes to mourn your loss.  Understand what you need to do to get the next promotion.  Examine how others are growing their business.  Do what you need to do.  People respond to how you handle your disappointment.  Be productive about that.

Do you have any other thoughts about competition?  How do you feel when you hear the word?  Leave your comments below.

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4 Responses to Competition!

  • Bob Randolph says:

    Dear Holly,

    I really enjoyed meeting you at the Chamber Networking breakfast this am. Many thanks for directing me to your blog. There is a lot of useful information here which readers can use to guide their aspirations and reach their goals. I particularly like the way you phrased Thought 4: “Operating out of a mind-set of abundance”. Although we know that business or life is often a zero-sum game, we operate from a mind-set of strength, rather than fear, when we believe that there will be enough for all.

    Likewise, Thought 6: “A Threat”. I never thought of applauding myself when others believe that I might be a threat, but, as you say, it is a sign that others may feel that I am an equal or better! Thanks.

  • Kevin Lewis says:

    Holly, thanks again for speaking to my class. You were a hit.

    Thought three hits the mark for me. I see many people wallowing in that “It’s unfair!” mindset. Yes…life is unfair…it is also what can make you better and stronger…

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