Hodge Podge

Today’s blog has a few questions for you — I’m asking for your assistance.  Most importantly – THANK YOU FOR READING MY BLOG!  You may be one of many subscribers or see the blog on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.  I’m thrilled when someone comments directly or through one of the social media avenues.  I love when you take the time to re-tweet the message.  It encourages me to keep writing.  THANK YOU!

Hodge 1:  Calling for guest bloggers!  If you’ve been reading my blogs you know that I like to have guest bloggers from time to time.  Do you have something to share?  Some tips on how you handle your career?  Do you have some great advice that can benefit my readers?  Please let me know if you’d like to be a guest blogger – I’d love to feature you.  Contact me and we’ll take it from there.

Podge 2:  Coaching.  Coaching has become one of the “must have” benefits of the very successful who want more success.  Many successful people don’t have someone to talk to about what they need to do to get to the next step.  Some feel they must power ahead alone – because so far that’s what they’ve done.  Others consult family and friends who may not have the tools and resources they need to achieve results.  Successful people know when to reach out for additional resources.  I fill that role for my clients.  Refer someone to me who wants to hire a coach and you’ve got one free coaching call!

Hodge 3:  Ideas.  I’m always looking for inspiration to blog about what you want to hear.  What is your biggest challenge at work?  What’s your number one question when it comes to your business or career?  What is the one thing that would make your life easier – a breeze – a joy?  Post a comment or contact me.  I need ideas from you!

Podge 4:  Inspiration.  Does your organization need a little inspiration?  Customized training may be just what you need.  Perhaps your team could communicate more effectively?  One of my most popular presentation topics has been “Dealing with Difficult People”.  It’s a fun topic that gets everyone talking.  Let me know if that sounds interesting.

Hodge Podge 5:  It’s all about you!  I believe that people can achieve what they want.  I teach people the skills to achieve.  Whether it’s one-to-one coaching, group training, presentations or facilitating strategic planning, I can help with practical tools for your success.  Let me know how I can help!

Thank you again for reading my blog.  Thank you for indulging me with these questions and call for assistance.  I hope you’ve enjoyed the tips and tools that I’ve been sharing since June 2011.  As always, please leave your comments below.

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One Response to Hodge Podge

  • Ed Finn says:

    Holly, I enjoyed my visit with John last week and mentioned to him how impressed (and inspired) I am by your messages. Thank you for sharing your expertise with others! Ed

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