It’s Here

Stress is here!  Tis the season to be stressed.  The anticipation of all that needs to be done is enough to raise your blood pressure.  Here are some tips to play with during the next couple of months.  All you have to lose is that overwhelmed feeling – not bad!

The holidays come with a lot of baggage.  It’s a family time that may or may not be a positive experience.  There are magical expectations that started in childhood and remain with us all our lives.

Work can get busier around the holidays also.  People may be taking the rest of their vacation time before the end of the year.  End of year reports are due.  Projects are being wrapped up.  Everything adds to your stress.

Anticipate.  Think back to last year and the year before that.  What were the top three activities or situations that caused you the most stress?  What was it about those that caused the stress?  Consider these tips for handling similar situations this year.

Tip 1:  Too many commitments.  Before you say your automatic “yes”, decide how many events you’ll attend each week – it may be one or two.  Based on past years, schedule those events you don’t want to miss.  When invited to events you don’t have scheduled, look at your calendar wisely and accept only those activities that you have room for.  At work, go to only those events that you have time for or are required to attend.

Tip 2:  Last minute gifts.  When you’re out and about, pick up a few extra gifts.  They don’t have to be expensive – festive napkins, a trivet, candles – go to your local discount store or outlet.  Keep these extras in your closet so you can gracefully reach for them and not run yourself ragged.

Tip 3:  People.  During events you may end up seeing people you don’t enjoy.  Plan ahead for a rescue.  Have a friend, spouse or colleague interrupt if you get stuck talking to someone you’d rather not.  Surround yourself with dinner companions you do want to talk to.  Make other plans which will prevent you from spending time with those you don’t want to.

Tip 4:  Not your agenda.  You may have your day, week and month planned – everything is running smoothly.  Then your boss, spouse, children, parents, you name it, springs something on you.  Some people operate this way.  Take time now and at the beginning of each week to check in with the potential agenda upsetter to see if there are any “extras” looming for you.

Tip 5:  Perfection.  Everything you do is 98% perfect.  The extra time you spend on the last 2% is a waste.  No one will notice the 2%.  Your power point presentation is great – re-engineering it or putting in all those bells and whistles won’t get your point across any better.  The food is good, the table looks fine, the gifts are wonderful and the wine is just right.  If you’re saying to yourself that you’ll notice the 2%, ask yourself if it’s worth the stress associated with what it will take to complete the last little bit?  I doubt you’ll notice it once the event is started or complete.

What are your biggest stressors around the holidays?  What have you done to minimize them?  What have I left out?  Leave your comments below.

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