
Development – External

ExternalDevelopmentExternal development is just as important as internal development for both the individual and a business – to ensure career growth and business growth.  Here are some tips for individuals and for businesses.


Tip 1:  Within – You can build your career inside your current organization.  Play with the following:

  • Make your career aspirations known to your supervisor and others who will listen.
  • Take on projects that are out of your comfort zone and will allow you to work with others you may not interact with.
  • Keep your relationships with fellow employees friendly and professional, you… Continue reading

Invest in Yourself!

The moment you stop learning is the moment you stop growing.  It takes constant expansion of knowledge if you want more out of your life.  Even to keep what you have, you need to keep sharp.  Doing what you’ve always done, thinking what you’ve always thought, hanging onto the status quo will cause you to fall behind and quickly puts you in the past.  Not exactly the key to success.

Here are some challenges for you:

Challenge 1:  Feel good.  Add up what you spend on vacations, hair cuts, nail care, gym membership, entertainment… Continue reading

Develop Your Peeps!

The beginning of the year is a great time to think about what’s next for you, your career and your staff.  The number one reason employees look for another job is prompted by their bad manager.  Employees stay – where and when they feel valued.  One of the easiest ways to value an employee is to encourage and support their development.  Here are some tips for you to use to develop your employees (or yourself):

Tip 1:  It’s about them, not you.  You may enjoy taking classes, looking for new responsibilities, having new experiences… Continue reading