

Recently a client was exploring ways to have people see the value of her services.  We came up with some ideas for conveying value.  These can be applied to products and services of a solo entrepreneur and an organization that is much bigger.  See what you can use in your own company.

Idea 1:  It starts with you.  When you and your employees understand and believe in the value of your products and services this will naturally come out when talking to potential customers.  Is everyone excited about what you offer?  Enthusiasm goes a long way in conveying value.… Continue reading

Add Value

AddValueTo grow your business or your career there has to be value.  Value, as well as beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.  It’s not enough to be of value, you must convey that value in ways others will understand, want what you are offering and are willing to pay for it.  Following are some ways to identify and convey your value or the value of your products.

Thought 1:  Missing.  If you’re having trouble coming up with ways to describe value, think about what would be missed if you or your products weren’t… Continue reading

Invest in Yourself!

The moment you stop learning is the moment you stop growing.  It takes constant expansion of knowledge if you want more out of your life.  Even to keep what you have, you need to keep sharp.  Doing what you’ve always done, thinking what you’ve always thought, hanging onto the status quo will cause you to fall behind and quickly puts you in the past.  Not exactly the key to success.

Here are some challenges for you:

Challenge 1:  Feel good.  Add up what you spend on vacations, hair cuts, nail care, gym membership, entertainment… Continue reading

Just say “No”

So many people I work with are super busy.  They are up at the crack of dawn looking at their email.  Work hard all day.  Take work home and have their weekends filled to the brim with activities.  Many of these over achievers share something in common.  They can’t seem to say “no” to anyone.  Here are some thoughts about saying “no”.

1.  You’re allowing someone else to set your agenda.  Achievers get things done and others know it.  They get asked to sit on committees, organize events and head up… Continue reading


Recently a client was exploring ways to have people see the value of her services.  We came up with some ideas for conveying value.  These can be applied to products and services of a solo entrepreneur and an organization that is much bigger.  See what you can use in your own company.

Idea 1:  It starts with you.  When you and your employees understand and believe in the value of your products and services this will naturally come out when talking to potential customers.  Is everyone excited about what you offer?  Enthusiasm goes… Continue reading