Time Management

Time Management(???)

Much has been written about time management – as if time is a “thing” or an object.  Time is a dimension in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future.  Time is a unit of measurement.  You can’t expand or contract time, in fact you can’t manage time at all.  I know this sounds a little philosophical but bear with me.  When you believe that you need to manage time, you’re attempting to manage something apart from you which can be very stressful.

Replace time management with managing how… Continue reading


I just read a CNN article about Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook.  She leaves work every day at 5:30 so she can be home with her children by 6:00 PM to have dinner.  She does admit to reading her work email after her children are in bed.

When I was CEO I left work each day at 5:30 to get home in time to walk my dogs – Annie and Jake.  Also, I didn’t work weekends.

Are you consistently working overtime – more than a 40 to 45 hour week?  If you’re not, then these tips… Continue reading

I want to be the boss! – Part 5

This is fifth in a series of blogs for those that want to start their own business.  By now you’re committed, you know what your financial situation is, you’ve started your savings cushion and you’ve proven that your business is feasible.  Congratulations!

Step 6:  When will you be ready to launch your business?

There’s still some additional work you can do before you launch your business.

Tip 1:  Determine when you’ll have your cushion saved up.  Keep track of your savings and how much you’re adding each week and each month.  Reviewing your progress… Continue reading

One word – Organize!

I’ve heard from a few clients recently “THIS IS THE YEAR I’M GOING TO GET ORGANIZED”.  Organized is an appealing word to many and can be hard to implement.  “Being”organized starts as any “being-ness” – it is based on habit.  Following are some tips to “being” organized.

Disclaimer – only introduce one tip at a time.  When you’ve mastered that tip, pick another tip.  You don’t have to go in order.  Pick the easiest tip to implement or the one that will make the most impact on your life.

Tip 1:  One calendar.… Continue reading

Time is Precious

When I’m engaged in something I love to do or I’m completely focused on a task at hand, time seems to slip away at the speed of sound.  As I grow older, days, weeks and months seem to go very fast.

Whenever I’m waiting for something to happen, a call back from a potential client, the bus to take me home or, when I was little, Santa to come – time seems to stand still.

Time is one of the few things in life that we can’t have a “do over”.  Theoretically you spend your… Continue reading