Time Management

Time Management 102

This is a continuation of the last blog.  Here are some more great tips to find those extra minutes.

3. Deadlines.  Be the first to offer a deadline and always add extra time to it.  This may be familiar to many of you – under promise and over deliver.  This will give you more time to get things done and also allow you to be a star – by always delivering what you promise on time – or perhaps early.

In promising when you’re going to complete something, whether it is for yourself or for others, get real… Continue reading

Time Management 101

Who couldn’t use a few more minutes?  The next couple of blogs will talk about giving you a little extra time in your day.

1. Be completely present at every meeting – one on one and in a group.  Any time I attend a meeting or speak to someone individually I make it a point to be completely present at the meeting or with the person.  This means that I turn off my cell phone, don’t check email, don’t look at my watch and put away all distractions.  I give the person and meeting my full and… Continue reading

Shiny Pennies

Some days I can spend my whole day picking up shiny pennies.  Do you ever have days like that?  New ideas spring up and they look interesting so you check them out.  It’s a great distraction and a lot of fun.  Your day is done, before it has begun and you… Continue reading

Drowning in paper!

I received the following email message from a dear friend and client as she was about to go on vacation.  I had just visited her office and saw paper everywhere.  I felt chaotic just walking in, I couldn’t imagine being there every day.

Here’s what she wroteYou are so right!  I am drowning in little bits of paper.  Thank you for your offer to help out!  I’m ready anytime. 

I am leaving for the beach Saturday morning, but even if you had some time today or tomorrow to give me a… Continue reading


Do you ever get interrupted when you’re trying to get something done?  Have you ever not been interrupted when you’ve tried to get something done?

I read a scary statistic the other day.  An office worker is productive, working on a task, activity or project, on average  1 ½ hours per 8 hour workday.   The rest of the time is spent on email, phone calls, meetings, chatting, looking for files, surfing the net, staring into space, going to the restroom, you name it.

Increasing your productivity is not that hard.  The last post had tips to help you with… Continue reading